Peace at home is what this program is all about!
You love your dog, and you wish you could enjoy day to day life with them even more. Sometimes, though, they do things you wish they’d stop doing.
Replace all the frustrating moments from your dog not listening to you, with fun and the peace of knowing your dog will listen when you ask them to sit, pay attention, wait and leave things alone.
We’ll also teach you how to understand what your dog is really thinking, and with the support and coaching from everyone at Lead the Way, you’ll have the confidence and peace of mind that you’ll finally (and quickly!) have the calm days with your dog that you want.
This program is perfect for families who need help with a few of their dog’s habits around the house.
It is typically accomplished in 3 lessons in your home and includes teaching your dog to reliably listen to commands like:

- Sit
- Touch
- Watch me
- Go to your room
- Wait
- Leave it
- Take it
Looking for more? Check out the Top Paw program.