Imagine knowing that absolutely everything you need for your dog’s training is covered – from now on.
No need to worry about training slipping over time, or something coming up later on that you’d like help with. We’re here for you from now on.
This program is perfect for the family who wants the absolute best training experience, and the peace of mind that you have all the long term support you need.
This program gives you the freedom to go out in public with confidence, feeling secure knowing your dog will listen and giving you the complete joy of having a dog in your family.
The 2 week stay for your dog saves you time and effort – and gets your dog ‘there’ faster; and we’ll practice with you out in public to polish your dog’s skills around distractions.
And with your unlimited lessons, you have the peace of mind that any help you need down the road is covered!

The Freedom Program includes:
- 2 Week stay for your dog in your trainer’s home
- Unlimited private lessons with you to teach you how to maintain your dog’s training
- Teaching your dog skills like…
- Sit
- Touch
- Watch me
- Go to your room
- Wait
- Leave it
- Take it
- Staying with you on walks and not pulling
- Stay
- Place (go to their bed)
- Lay down.
- Unlimited virtual support from everyone at Lead the Way during your program anytime you have questions
- Unlimited access to public/group classes for a full year
Not sure which program is right for your family dog? We’re happy to share our experience with you. Just give us a call or send us a message.